FABIO Microbial Fertilizer

32,50 $780,00 $

Guaranteed Content
Total Microorganism: 1 x 108 kob/ml

Organisms Contained
Glomus caledonium, G. intraradices, Glomus fasciculatum, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Thricoderma harzianium, Trichoderma koningii, Trichoderma viridae.

pH range: 5-7



FABIO can be used both as ground and foliar plants at all growth stages.
Alone or in combination with natural trace elements can be used, amino acids, minerals and vitamins provide the growth of plants.
During production, soil moisture retention, which can increase nutrient cycling seaweed and carbon dioxide, which can increase its capacity and increase overall soil extract was used.
Additional biology helps decompose many natural substances and thus to increase the nutrient cycle in the soil, Trichoderma and to beneficially colonize plant shoot and root surfaces.
Contains Bacillus subtilis.
Both of these organisms support natural plant defenses.
It has been used in biological control to strengthen FABIO is Mother Nature’s fertilizer that blends numerous and trace elements from bio organics that we are proud to create.
FABIO is designed to be used in all crops to provide nutrients.
Proper nutrient management helps maximize crop quality and yield.
Standard soil fertility of foliar fertilization programs and is intended to support agricultural crops alone.
Does not provide all the nutrients it normally needs.

Foliar: 1 to 6 liters per acre with enough water for thorough coverage apply.
Repeat every 10-14 days as needed.
Soil: Per acre apply 2 to 10 liters.
The product can be applied with irrigation systems or applied to the soil. It con be irrigated by spraying. Repeat every 10-14 days as needed.

Application Precautions:
Avoid applying to wet leaf and fruit surfaces.
Avoid spraying at temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius.
Mixing: Can be mixed with and most fertilizers: foliar fertilizers, pesticides and/or herbicides. A compatibility check is recommended.

Production: Turkey.